Monday, March 29, 2010

The Work Plan:Week of March 29,2010

Language: Monday; The Preposition  Game, Sound Bins, Circle Inset
Tuesday; preposition card match sound bins,ovid inset. Wednesday; Preposition three part cards,sound bin, rectangle inset.
Thursday; Prepositon sentence cards, sound bins. Friday; Rhyming words, classified cards school
Math: Monday; Number Rods,sandpaper numbers, matching eggs to number. Tuesday;Number Rods, number line work, sandpaper numbers. Wednesday; Number Rods , matching quantity to number work, sandpaper numbers. Thursday; Number Rod Pattern work, sandpaper numbers, egg stair.
Sensorial: Monday; Sound no Sound, Gemetric Solid Sphere. Tuesday; Sound Boxes, Geometric Solid Ovoid. Wednesday; Brown Stairs with marble, Geometric Solid Rectangular Prism. Thursday; Color Box #2, Gemetric Solid card matching sphere, ovid, and rectangular prism.
Physical Science: Magnetic/ Non-Magnetic
Seasons: Monday; Matching Picture cards. Tuesday; Spring three part cards
Botany; Monday: Plant or Animal card sorting. Tuesday; Parts of flower, flower puzzle. Wednesday: Matching flower  parts
Astronomy: Monday; Learning names of planets, matching planets. Tuesday; Solar System poster. Wednesday; Build Solar System Model. Thursday; Solar System Order work
Geography: Monday; Landforms Island, Lake. Tuesday; Matchng Landform cards to model Wednesday; Continent Globe, matching continent cards. Thursday; Pin Punching Continents.
Zoology; Monday;  Begin Bird Unit, parts of the bird, pictures of different birds. Tuesday; Matching partsof the bird cards, Reread A Nest Full Of Eggs. Wednesday; Matching Bird Cards, lifecycle of birds. Thursday; Parts of bird three part card.
Practical Life:  Monday; walking the line with a tray, taking care of our nails,. Tuesday : egg slicing, tonging egg, Wednesday: how to greet a visitor, dry pouring with a funnel. Thursday: prepare our snack area.
Art: This week the children will be using various collage materials to decorate a cardboard egg, neclace work, and dyeing eggs.
Theme:  This week storytelling read is"Ressurection Eggs" by FamilyLife., with the eggs the children will have the tools to retell the easter story.

1 comment:

  1. Did you apply this same plan on all the kids you had?
    As I know each child should have a different plan depending on their interests and sensitive periods?!!


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