Monday, May 17, 2010

Montessori Monday

The children did a wonderful job last week by staying on task and keeping our enviroment peaceful. We are still on a two hour work cycle. We had a few  interruptions that kinda prevented the work cycle to last longer. Here are some activities that the children work with last week.

Color Mixing. I have to contribute the success of this work to My Montessori Journey I have set this up before and it was too messy. The way she showed how she had the work avaliable worked out just fine here.

 This child is working with the sandpaper letters. The sand being blue brought back interest to the group to work with the numbers and tracing. Thanks One Hook Wonder.

 Our garden sensory bin went over well with all the students, This child  really worked with this work a lot. Check out how she is using the magnifying glass.

Sorting phonics objects by letter sounds.

 Working with the garlic presser with sponges.

  Working with mastery with Nonliving/Living work.
The children are gaining more and more self confidence. They are also loving to new learn things, they are leaving the practical life area more often now and exploring new works in other areas.  To see what others are doing with their children using the montessori method pop over to One Hook Wonder.


  1. Cool works! What we they pressing in the garlic press...looks like sponges, but wasn't sure...we have not ever used a garlic press for work...never thought of that, but am sure that mine would like that.
    Thank you for sharing.

  2. Looks like a productive week and the kids really enjoyed the works. I like the garden sensory tub...thinking about creating one- but the "soil" indoors still scares me a little :)

  3. Nice work! Thanks for sharing with us all! Also, thank you for leaving your lovely comments over my blog. Just to make sure, are you the same as Discovering Montessori?
    A Big Hug!

  4. Evelyn/ 2Pequenos Traviesos , Yes I am Discovering Montessori. Thanks again for stopping by. I really do appreciate comments I love to learn more from others.


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