Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Care And Feeding Of A Pet (Toddler Tuesday)

                                                            We now have a class pet.
                                       American Green Tree Frog

                                 The children have been observing and learning how to feed Froggy.


They been learning how to hold Froggy.

Also they have been learning about how frogs like Froggy grow.

To see other toddlers learning using the montessori method visit One Hook Wonder.



  1. So happy to see children being encouraged to love and nurture all of God's creatures!

  2. In case you didn't see the response, thank you so much for your award. It truly touched me and it was lots of fun to give them out to others. What a lovely community this internet blogger world is!


  3. So so so sweet! I think caring for a pet is a wonderful lesson for little ones.


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