Monday, August 23, 2010

Circle Time

                  This may change as the school year progresses. I purchased a curriculum to supplement montessori education to ensure that all children are being exposed to a variety of activities everyday. What I like most about this curriculum is that it has take home projects, the art projects are able to be done independently once presented, and it has weekly themes that will allow the childs' interest to peak and therefore gain even more interest in the montessori materials. I have used this curriculum before and the children loved it. The way I will be implementing this is during circle time. It will not interrupt our three hour work period. I will still be presenting all units of studies outlined in the montessori method. The curriculum is Mother Goose Time you can find them at

                                                           Here is our Circle Time Bullentin

We use this as our guide on some of the concepts that will be talked about during circle time,the month,the year,days of the week,weather and what shall we wear.

Our Wall Calendar
Our calendar number pattern for the month of September

This is our days of the week buckets with weather sticks that the child will place according to the weather on that day. Also the meterologist will match this weather wheel to the one on the chart to use as control of error.

Our job chart

After we have did our greeting song. We do jobs, calendar, weather. We have an alphabet treasure hunt. I purchased this from Lakeshore Learning. I hope that this will add some more excitement to our "I Spy" time. The children hunt for the letter in the clue, they can also match it to our alphabet tree. The letters are choosen  purposefully, and I added objects as part of the hunt.

Next we discuss the days' circle time topic and complete the Day bag circle time activities.
Here is an example of some in Day One.

"Pick Me"  the childs finds their name on the name tag. I will then have tracing paper on tray on the shelf so the child can later use their name tag to practice tracing their name.

Monthly Theme Poster/"My Family Tree" art project

After the activities are completed we will end circle time with a poem and each child will be dismissed individually.

 I believe that this period of time will help the children use their work period more efficiently. As the school year progresses the art activities will be presented and placed on the shelf which will cut down the amount of it takes to complete our circle time.

To see others using the montessori method pop over to One Hook Wonder.


  1. That's a great explanation of a circle time, thankyou.... I've always wondered about the value of them but that sounds like a really nice way to ground the children!!

    Thanks, Jenni

  2. Oh to be so organized. I need to get there still... Thanks for the inspiration

  3. I love your circle time display! I think I will do something similar this year! Thank you for sharing!

  4. Thanks for linking up! I love the little weather sticks - those are so stinking cute! :)

  5. I came across this site today and am curious where the weather wheel is from?

  6. Anonymous, Thank you for stopping by! The weather wheel came from mother goose curriculum, it is included in your first order. I included their link in this post.
    Discovering Montessori

  7. Thank you so much for the link/info. I like this set and appreciate your help. :-)


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