Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Apple Stair / Mathematics

                                            Here is an example of a way that I try to incorporate all areas of studies into our many subjects. We are learning about Apples in botany.  The children's interest in learning about apples is stronger than I thought it would be. So to take advantage of the interest I came up with a way to use apples as a manipulative for the montessori math material Short Bead Stair.

                                                              Short Bead Stair
 Aim: Preparation for the teen, and teen boards,etc.
                                                                        The Apple Stair

                                                            Below is a photo that shows how the child will use the Short Bead Stair material for a contol of error. It is always important to me when I make a extension that the montessori material still be used.  I believe the materials that Dr.Montessori created if used properly in repetition is better than meeting some of the aims.


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