Thursday, September 16, 2010

Phasing In Independent Snack Time

 With a few new children I decided to reintroduce how snack time works. I made it as simple as I could for the first go around. I offered apple slices with a pictorial count so the child would know how much they may have. I showed them where their nametags will be on the table, how to clean up after they eat, and exactly where to put their nametags when finished.
 There is a lot involved that a child must due to serve themselves snack and beaware that their must be enough for everyone to eat.
Practing counting, matching object to outline, one to one corespondence.

Mumble was able to recognize his name.

Once most of the children are able to recognize their names the whole snack routine will be less of me and more of them. For now I will be pairing up children with one who does know their name. That way since there are only two chairs the child will be able to use process of elimination. They all have shown me that they know how to do this by playing musical chairs.


  1. Very nice, very planned and clear. And important and independent!

  2. I like it. it's a simple but plenty of learning idea. and I'll make some control cards like yours for Ian's snack time. Thank you for sharing!


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