Monday, October 11, 2010

Montessori Monday

Wow!  Last Friday after the children left I didn't feel that we had a productive work week. I had to deal with different behavioral issues. I have two children that are exposing others to very naughty words. I have a couple of children who are using their hands for hurting. I talked with them over and over. I role played better ways to deal with our feelings. I also created a peace table and presented how it works, read books about peace. By Wednesday I was calling parents when behavior was continuously disruptive or put others at risk. It was just horrible to see what was unfolding in front of my eyes, and what words our ears had to hear. By Friday I felt pretty bummed out. I hadn't planned on making any new Montessori Monday/ Toddler Tuesday post until our behavior situation turned for the better. I decided to look through my camera at different pictures I had taken. When I did I was reminded of the times when they were focused on a task. Take a look.
                                                             Practical Life
                                                                       Pouring acorns.
                                                               Spooning felted balls.  


                                                                     Metal Inset work.
                                             Completing an activity out of the Tt Sound Bin.  

                                 Preparing and completing a letter sound match folder game.


                                                                      Build a bug.


                                                                   Colored bead bars.

                                                      Sequencing sandpaper numbers and apples.
                                         Trying out extensions with the red knobless cylinders.

                                                                             Color box #2


                                                            Apple life cycle bracelet work.

         I can at least say today was a better day! Only one warning was given out and the peace table is being used. Now I am learning more about "False Fatigue", I am wondering if this could be triggering those unwanted behaviors here at school. I played soft background music today. It seemed to keep our enviroment calm and maintain order. After speaking with a few parents some children have been going through different changes at home. I am hoping that we can get back to what is our normal this week, and get back to enjoying each other again.

         To see other children doing montessori activities pop over to One Hook Wonder.


  1. Hope this week goes better. I'd just keep going back to the peace table and using the older kids to model appropriate behavior (unless they're the problem, of course)

  2. I love the bead bars cards. i'll be trying them. God bless.

  3. Sorry you all had such a rough week! Love the spiderwebs up above, btw. Thanks for linking to Montessori Monday! :)


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