Friday, December 3, 2010

Afterschooling: Our first weekly wrap up

I decided that I would document more things about what I do with my own children when they are home. They attend school in a traditional school setting and really enjoy going to school everyday. What we do is all based on their interest and some skills we all agree they could improve in. There may not be many pictures in these posts. Sometimes they like pictures, most of the time they don't when we (my husband and I) are working with them one on one. As far as my husband is concerned I am a bit of a paparazzi (lol). I agreed with my husband that I wouldn't take pictures of him. My husband works with Michelle one on one daily, so you may never see pictures of Michelle while she is doing some afterschooling activities or homework.

                   Here are photos of the books that DJ has been reading at home.
 He has been really self motivated when it comes to reading this books. The Magic Treehouse books he picked out for himself at our visit to Barnes and Nobles. The Language Lessons for the Very Young is an informal introduction to language arts with Charlotte Mason flavor for beginning students by Sandi Queen. It is intended to work with your child one on one. DJ  completed this book on his own this week. He started this in October. The last few weeks the lessons appealed to him more and he got busy.                                                                     

              Parts of the castle. I purchased this at the Montessori Goldmine Shop.

 DJ also has been learning about dinosaurs . Here he is working with a book that came with dinosaurs. He is sorting them by time periods.

DJ also lost another tooth this week.

                               Here are the books Ken has chosen to independently read.

Ken started to read these books on Monday. The Magic Treehouse series are her favorite chapter books . Ken has read through to chapter four in A Ghost Tale for Christmas Time. Rags and Riches: Kids in the time of Charles Dickens she has completed chapter 1. When she chose this book on Sunday we watched the movie A Christmas Carol as a family. Ken has lots of questions about England during the time of Queen Victorias' reign. New vocabulary has been introduced to Ken that she is enjoying.

Working with cards of people and places in Europe, and finding the countries on the Europe control map.

Working with Fundamental needs of people cards. This is our foundation point with reading the book Rags and Riches. Ken was really struggling with the concept that children as young as five years old lived in workhouses.

A  close up of some of the cards. These were purchased from Montessori for Everyone.

 Adding with the Golden Beads. A lightbulb moment for Ken! She was so proud of successfully completing this work, four digit addition was challenging for her.

To celebrate her accomplishment she relaxed with doing some sand art.


 Michelle has been studying the map of Asia. Also she has taken to learning about chemistry. I personally feel that make up is not for any child or teen in my home. I do feel that you can learn something about anything. To understand chemistry in a way that may relate to some interest , I purchased this kit that was on sale at Hobby Lobby. It teaches about our skin , and how to keep our skin healthy with cosmetics as a way of  delivering this science. Lots of wonderful science experiments. Michelle has been reading the handbook that came along with this kit  whenever she gets a chance.

                             Experimenting a little.
Well this is it for our first afterchool wrap up. Thank you for reading!!               


  1. Love the pictures! Thanks so much for mentioning us - glad you like the Fundamental Needs Cards!

  2. Great work with MTH and Montessori materials!


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