Monday, January 24, 2011

100 Acts of Kindness ( Montessori Monday)

 Last week was a wonderful week. Unfortunately I didn't take that many photos, but I still wanted to share the ones I did take.

                                                  Sandpaper numbers.

                                        Multiplying with the large bead frame.

                                      Learning the parts of the computer project.

                                 Writing with corn meal.

                                          Working with blue objects.

                                                   Knobless cylinders.

Jessica completed this brown stair extension not by a presentation but by observing the older children when they were doing this. Jessica is working with the brown stairs that are specifically for the toddler age being introduced to this work. They are the same as the brown stairs that the preschoolers use just only six stairs instead of ten.

                                                  Color mixing.

   Here are some pictures of how we celebrated Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

                                                   We read a few stories.

                                                             Colored pictures of him.

 Celebrated Martin Luther King Jr's birthday with a Happy Birthday song and some cake.

 Here is the icing on the cake while reading a post on livingmontessorinow.  I found out about the 100 Acts of Kindness Project at the wonderful blog Toddler Approved! The first challenge was to have the children in your lives cut out ten hearts and give them to ten different people. The project started on January 18 and continues to February 14th when you will have a celebration party to celebrate your 100 Acts of Kindness. It is not too late to join the project. I spoke with my kids on Friday about this and they were excited.
         DJ  got really good at cutting hearts out and didn't stop at ten.

  Here are the hearts that were are using to record our 100 acts of kindness. We are going to make a garland with these.
 So part of the rules in this project is that someone else has to report your acts of kindness. This is fun! When DJ was reminded of this you should of seen how many things he did for his sisters to get them to report his kindness.

To make the hearts accessible to the children when acts of kindness are reported I placed the hearts on our peace table. Our peace table displays a picture of the peacemaker we are learning about. Right now we are still learning about Dr. King our next peacemaker will be Mahatma Gandhi.

 Today I will be sending home a letter to the parents about our 100 Acts of Kindness project so I can involve the children that come here to learn everyday.

  So far three acts of kindness have been reported this is how our heart garland looks today.

 To see what other lessons children have been doing inspired by the montessori method please visit Montessori Monday hosted by One Hook Wonder.



  1. I love this!! I also love your peacemaker table idea. Thanks so much for sharing these with us!!

  2. Your heart garland and peace table are wonderful! I love the way you added the hearts to the peace table - it's a nice way to show a connection between the peace table and acts of kindness. And thanks so much for linking to my blog! I just featured your post at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page at

  3. Thank you for stopping by Deb! I am so happy that you have a blog with all the wonderful resources you post about. Your blog truly inspires me!! Thank you for the feature. Hope you visit again soon.

  4. Good for you participating in the 100 acts of kindness!! I am excited to see how your garland expands!!

    I may give color mixing a try with Ella. She loves pouring (still a bit messy). So, I think that she would enjoy it.

    The computer part activity is a very good idea too!

    Thanks for sharing!


  5. I loved revisiting your 100 Acts of Kindness posts! I featured your post and peace table photo at

  6. Oh so that is what you do with the hearts, acts of peace. So sweet. I love the whole thing! (Stopping by from Deb's linky party!)


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