Sunday, January 9, 2011

Learning About Hydroponics! (Science Sunday)

Ken says she may want to be an Botanist when she grows up. So one of her presents she received for Christmas was a Hydro-Dome plant kit. The kit is made by Dune Craft. This is what Ken has been learning while taking care of this plant.

What is Hydroponics? Hydroponics (from the Greek words hydro water and panos labor) is a method of growing plants using mineral solutions, in water without soil. Plants may be grown within their roots in the mineral solution only or in a inert medium, such as perlite, gravel or mineral wool.

History of Hydroponic Gardening: Hieroglyphic records show that ancient Egyptians were probably the first people to attempt to grow plants in a soil less enviroment. Some suspect that the Hanging Gardens of Babylon may have used primitive hydroponic technology. The Roman Emperor Tiberius is believed to have used hydroponics to grow cucumbers out of season. The next major development in hydroponics occurred in the 17th century in Europe, where greenhouses began to use hydroponics methods regularly to grow plants and vegetables. The U.S. began exploring and experimenting with practical applications during World War Two. Today, hydroponics is popular not just as a way to produce larger, healthier, and flavorful foods on a large scale, but also as a household hobby.

Ken learned these cool things from the information that was provided in the plant kit.

                                                    Getting Started

Soaking the rock wool. This process took about three days to get it done right.

                                  Planting the Seeds
Placing the rock wool in the net pots.

               Putting the lettuce seeds in the holes in the rock wool.

    Placing the net pots in the tray of the dome.



Before you can move on to fertilizing you must wait for your seeds to sprout.
Ken is recording observations in her plant journal.

                            After four days the seeds began to sprout.



Now you fill  the base of the dome with lukewarm water enough so that the pots will be about one half submerged in water.

 Add 1/16 of a tablespoon of Part A Hydoponic Nutrient. Derived from Ammonium, Calcium, Nitrate, Double soil.

      Add one scoop of Part B Hydroponic Nutrient.

Then you aerate the water using the Hydro-Pump. The hydro-pump consists of three parts: the pump, airline, and the stone diffuser.  You aerate the water once or twice a day.

To see what other science activites children are doing  please visit Science Sunday hosted by Adventures In Mommydom.                                 


  1. I've always been fascinated by those. I hope you do updates.

  2. Yes! Hope that you do updates too! Great learning tool! Kerri

  3. Hydroponic Lights

    Well, thanx for your info…….its a good way to grow plants without soil………really interesting!!!!!!!!!

  4. This one is very nice and excellent method to grow plant without use of any soil.I like this one information oh hydroponics system to create garden.



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