Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Say It Two Ways (Toddler Activities)

The toddlers count all day long!! They count when they are walking down the stairs, they count when it is time to receive snack, they count when it is time to clean up. They are very good at at counting and all of them at one point through out the day claim the leader of their count game.  I am trying to incorporate some of their activities to promote more of this counting thing that they are doing without them noticing it. It is clear to me that sometimes when I get excited about them knowing something I go overboard and then they are turned off by it. Yes sometimes less is good.  When I discovered a few of them knew some of the letter sounds I started calling them for lessons. They quickly stopped their interest. They love to learn by observing too. I stopped that right away and they are continuing to learn their sounds indirectly through observing their peers.  I know that T.V. in the classroom isn't a montessori thing, but I found something that is working quite well for the toddlers here. The toddlers scream in delight and sit quickly when they notice that I am going to finally turn the T.V on, they are anxiously waiting for their final work of the day.

 We are all loving learning Spanish using the program Speak Spanish by Your Baby Can. Don't let the word baby fool you . All of the children love to watch this progam for the fifteen minutes that we do. The program comes with one music cd and two dvds. One of the dvds' introduce the child to the new words. The other dvd is music videos. Right now we are learning our numbers in spanish.

 The program also comes with 100 flashcards. Here are some of the counting cards. The front of the card the child points and counts the object.

  Here is the back of the card. The children have been working on matching the number with the word. They are good at this.

                                  They are loving this new book in their book basket.

                                           A picture of the inside of the book.

    They are loving this puzzle as well, and use their spanish independently while completing it.

 A  new work on their shelves. This work is used to show what medium is. They are proficient with illustrating what is big or small.  They love spooning so I think this is going to be a big hit.


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