Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Lets' Read: I See Colors

If you have a child or a group of children that are ready to read but are at a stage where blending the word together is at a halt this activity may be for you. I do guided reading with a small group of children. I have worked with these children for sometime now and so I knew they were ready to learn some sight words while learning how to read. I found a successful set of readers that I have been searching for. They are published by Creative Teaching Press and come with wonderful worksheets. Yes you heard me say worksheets and the children love them. We do our guided readings on Mondays,Wednesdays and Fridays. The books are avaliable for the children to use whenever they choose to independently practice. We also complete the worksheet activity after each lesson. I do believe that if I was individually teaching this to my child at home that they would probably gain mastery of the words within two weeks, this is if the child is ready and willing to participate in reading and doing the various activities. We have now completed two guided reading sessions and the children are wanting more. Here is how it looks so far.

Before I do the first reading we take a picture walk through the story.

  Next the children spin the wheel and ask questions about the story. For example What do you think this story will be about by looking at the cover, Is it fiction or non-fiction?

Then I do the first reading while the children turn the pages and follow along. While I am doing this I am observing who is tracking correctly and are we all on the same page. Now it is the childrens' turn I still lead by saying "ready, point, read" when we begin a new page. The first reading we read half the book, the second reading we read the whole book and now I have the children tracking and reading on the same page.  Something fantastic happened when we last read all of them asked if they could read a page, so we took turns reading a page aloud.

Here are the two worksheets we have done so far.

With the worksheets being used it is a nice way to end a reading session. I do have some hands on activities planned to make this book memorable for the children. The sight words that the children are learning is around, all, I, see, yes, no, and color words. There is also phonics incorporated in this book with teaching the sound of ee as in bee.                                                           

Here is N reading independently asking me if I would like her to read to me. N was so tickled that she was able to read the words that she almost couldn't follow through.

I put these three part cards on the language shelf for children to work with as well.

                 Right now I have eight colors for the children to work with in the pouch.

If you have any reading lessons or language activities you have done with your children or classroom please link up and share. Please be sure in your post that you put a link back to this in your blog post. Thank you for reading and participating.

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