Tuesday, February 8, 2011

New Activities

 Here are some new works on our shelves this week! I also included a few small group activities I will be doing with the children this week.

Using blocks to form the words on the cards by matching letters and colors.

                                               Spiral art.

                                  Matching hearts by colors.

                                              Using a dustpan.

           Tonging rose petals. The petals smell soo good!

                          Using the hearts to make patterns.

  Practing one to one correspondence by placing the penguins on the dots using craft sticks.

                                Sorting peguins.

Small group activity. We will be reading this book, learning how to use a stethoscope.

 Learning how to find our hearts, check our pulse and the parts of the heart. I am using this book for the parts of the body for the children to color. We will trace our bodies and the glue the part on the correct location once it is colored.

              Coloring sheet of the parts of the heart.

This page will become a part of their Human Body Journals. It has information about the organ that is in a lanugage they will be able to understand.

 Language work that I found on the website Homeschool Creations. The child names the pictures on the left and uses the dry erase marker to trace the beginning letters. I put book rings on this because there are three pages. The first page is capital letters, the next page is lowercase, and the last page the child writes on their own without tracing.

   Reintroducing weather words with a weather wheel color, cut, paste activity.

                            Our weather puppet.

  Make a snowman. I got the idea to add the letters to this work from the blog JADA ROO CAN DO.



  1. Wow!! Great activities!!! Love the spiral art with a heart shape!!! lovely!!!

  2. I love the "use of the stethoscope". That reminds me that I wanted to offer one to Lily!

  3. Wonderful works!! (as always)

    The spiral art made me smile!! I loved that as a child!



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