Monday, March 14, 2011

Shhh..... Don't Tell!!: Lets' Read

Lil and Jessica arrive every morning at 5:15am. Occassionally they may go to sleep after breakfast, but most of the time they stay up and are ready to do work. Well most of the time I am not ready to see little ones working with the sensory bin,etc. I turn the t.v. on and maybe it may pacify them for another hour which has helped a lot in my overall energy level for the day, see my last child  for the day leaves at 10:00 p.m.  So I have been poppin in Leap Frog Letter Factory DVD and guess what ? The girls know their sounds, letter names and happily share their information. I guess a little educational programming dosen't hurt after all. Their mother was amazed when she realized they could recognize their letters and sounds. Their mother was sharing how they point out letters and say the sounds and sing a cute little song, she thanked me for teaching them these things.  I was happy for Lil and Jessica then I shared with her my little secret.

This DVD was actually DJ's favorite movie when he was about two years old. I got the same results from him too. I highly recommend it if you allow your children to watch t.v. In my opinion children who are read to everyday probably will get the most enjoyment out of this movie!


1 comment:

  1. You know that C likes this dvd..she asks for it from time to time. Leap frog brand has some good products : )


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