Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A Simple Practical Life Activity

I was grocery shopping the other day and noticed that the wheat grass plants were on sale for two for three dollars. I brought one and thought this would be a good work for the children. They love caring for our rabbit Max and they all like to use scissors. Well after just a few days our plant needed a trimming, so I introduced the work to N who takes caring for our enviroment very seriously.  N spent the entire work period trimming the plant and caring for Max.

                                             Our Wheat Grass plant.

                               N  trimming the plant.

                                   Cleaning the area.

                      Transferring the grass trimmings to Max's food bowl.

                                      Max's first serving of wheat grass.




  1. What an excellent idea!

  2. Great idea - and such sweet photos, too! Creative way to develop practical life skills! Deb @

  3. Fabulous activity and good deal on the wheatgrass too:-)



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