Monday, May 30, 2011

Meet Jonathan

Last week was definetly a child led work week. I was busy decluttering while the children were busy carrying on with their normal routine. They definetly are very close to normalization.To be honest with you all I believe I have been stopping the normalization process in many ways, more on that in another post that I would title " Trial and Error". 

Jonathan has been with us for about a month now, he loves watching the others doing work. I know when I call another child for a lesson Jonathan will ask if he can watch if he isn't working with the sensorial materials, or practical life works.

                                                Red Knobless Cylinders

                                       Scissor and glue work.

                 Brown Stairs ( copy work that he saw another child doing).

                           Sorting Geometric Solids by what slides and what rolls.

 Jonathan starts his day with the brightest of smiles, and will turn really grumpy if you say it is time to stop working. His parents said that Jonathan woke up on Saturday and got himself ready to come to school. He was sadly disappointed to find out that Saturday wasn't a school day for him.  He declared "Well then I need some paper and pencil so I can do my homework:) Gotta love him!! I am reallly,really cherishing the moments when Jonathan and I work together! This kid is a blast!!                                        


  1. He looks so focused!

  2. That is so sweet. My children come up to me and ASK to work. Everyone always asks me about my child-lead approach and I always tell them, "I've never had a day when they don't want to work." Probably because it is their choice and they are working on things they are interested in. I loved this post. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I am always impressed with the phenomenal work you do with the kids. Your blog is a source of great inspiration and joy. Therefore I decided to leave you an award on my site :

    Have a beautiful day!!!

  4. Beautiful post!!! Sent you an email too:-)




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