Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Seven Times Around The Sun

 DJ turned Seven years old this May. He is such a peaceful, playful child. I adore him so much!! We had a small celebration here at home. I have been wanting to share these pictures for awhile but due to photos not being able to be downloaded I wasn't able to until now.

Also DJ participated in his first school play. He was Issac Newton, the play was about the solar system.

                             His turn on the mic to read aloud his part :)

                                                             The finale!!!




  1. My youngest turns seven tomorrow too! Happy Birthday to two sweet boys!

  2. He is so so so so cute!!I love the smile : )

  3. Happy Belated Birthday DJ!!!
    What is was it? Alex turns 7 this Saturday (21st)

  4. DJ is a handsome boy with a beautiful smile!!

    Happy Belated Birthday DJ!!

    Love the car cake! E is very much into match box cars right now!


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