Monday, June 13, 2011

Fourth Of July Inspirations

I  seem to not always put on the shelves some works that go along with holidays. It always seems like the holiday is too far away then it just ends up coming so fast:) So I decided to get busy and put out a few works for Fourth Of July, by the way Flag Day is this week. While finally organizing my materials, I came across our school flag that got pushed aside for whatever reason. I decided to hang it up in our new school area.

                                            Our Sensory Bin.

                                      Sorting blue and red stars.

                           Sorting white, blue, and red stars.

 It is a Happy Monday morning here!! My childrens' last day of school was last Friday, look at what they are doing today.
                                                    Long division board.

 DJ loves workbooks!! He was a happy camper when I gave him this new cursive workbook. DJ is really not a worksheet type of learner, but he loves to measure his success by completing workbooks.

 Michelle reading the newspaper. This will be a part of an daily assignment, more on that later.



  1. Great activities! Thank you for planning them ahead and share with us.

  2. Love your blog and your passion! I could spend hours looking at your posts! Thanks for doing this!


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