Monday, July 25, 2011

The Decision Has Been Made!

If you are to use grades to measure how successful a school year was then my children had a fantastic school year. If you were to measure by how happy they are to go back to school then the school year was a complete failure for everyone but Michelle. It all started when they had to switch schools due to DJ having a knife pointed at his stomach by a classmate. The new school had great academic standards which appears at first to have been the best place for my children, but it turned out to be a place where I can honestly say where they took the joy out of learning for my little boy. DJ would come home from school very tired and quite different. The more we talked the more he shared about how his classmates were referring to him as the black boy and how the teacher didn't do anything about it. Yes I am that parent who talks directly to the principal about serious matters, the racist comments didn't stop and to be honest I begin to feel the teacher was racist. The more I write about this the more upset I become so lets' just save this subject for another post. I formally homeschooled  Ken in her kindergarten and first grade years. When she went to public school for second grade she tested on third grade level on all subjects. Now entering the fifth grade year she is according to her report card a "C" student. What a shame! Ken's first semester of fourth grade was spent with a teacher who well in my opinon didn't want to teach and it didn't help that Ken didn't show any sign of effort, afterschooling begin to dominant home life. Again this subject is a post on its' own. When I mention the mere thought of going to school DJ shuts down it dosent matter if  he is playing outside, playing his playstation or doing montessori activities. Ken really wants to understand concepts because really she was staring out the classroom window last year and needs one on one before the middle school years come. So I made a decision to homeschool DJ and Ken for the school year 2011-2012.  I am really praying to instill the joy of learning back into my kids heart. The foundation of our curriculum will be to get my kids their flames back, learning is a process, to be able to understand the importance of  getting  an education, ( too many people died for this right ) and to be able to walk in a public/private classroom setting again and feel good about themselves. (preferrably a montessori classrom :)

   Because I can't do a post without pictures here are two books that have been helpful in making a decision about what our academic curriculum will consist of. I love how it comes with different poetry selections and information related to core subjects that can lead to some fun enrichment. Next week sometime I plan to share with you our curriculum choices, and how we will use the Montessori Method in the elementary years.



  1. It saddens me they had such a rough year. I applaud you for making the sacrifices next year to help them.

  2. I am so sad for you and your children that you went through this. I will pray for you and your family and that you will get the joy back. Your children are so lucky to have you as their mummy. I look forward to see what you have chosen, Best Wishes, Jenni from Little Blossoms xx

  3. Congrats on your decision! I hope that homeschooling will put the joy back into learning for you kids. It is terrible what can happen in schools - I often think about the things our kids don't tell us about happening! When I homeschooled my oldest, those books were invaluable. They gave me an idea of where our goals for the year should be set. Good luck and I look forward to hearing about this journey!

  4. Ohhhh I'm sorry that your kiddos had such a bad exirience. I really think alot of kids learn to hate learning. I know that this year will be better for you! :) I am praying you all find joy this school year!

  5. IT saddens me too, but I think overall I'm happy for you and the fam that the decision was taken. I can't even list in my mind all the families that make their way to our school because they actually felt threatened, bullied, or discriminated at their school. Always the same story from the other school - if they're not ready for this how will they be ready for real life after school? As if! 'Real life after school' doesn't constantly force us to be somewhere we feel uncomfortable. We can choose to be around people that have positive or negative impacts in our lives.

    Anyways I could go on and on about it for days... I think its a great choice for the family and I'll be stopping by to check how you're all doing and cheer you on!

    I posted about creating a workplan and still would love you to come check it out and tell me what you think as the workplan expert here :)

  6. Thank you everyone for the kind comments,they are really appreciated!!

  7. I agree with everyone above, it saddened me as well.
    On a happier note, I love your pictures you take :)

  8. So excited that you're homeschooling for this next year! We partially decided to homeschool, because my son had a rough preschool year last year, and I want the learning to be fun and enjoyable again!

  9. You're awesome to be doing this.

  10. How is homeschooling going for you? Anxious to hear an update:)

  11. ah--sorry, found the updates! Now visiting:

    Thank you for posting and sharing your stories.:)


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