Friday, December 2, 2011

A Quiet Week

This week weather and sickness proved to take over our preschool schedule. So I don't have much to share with you this week in regards to the childrens' acomplishments. I would like to share the actions shots that I do have. Hopefully over the weekend I will have some finished projects to share with you all on Monday.

                                Tonging cinnamon sticks

                           Working with zoology puzzles

                             Making a Gingerbread Man Stair(math)

                         Mystery bag, matching geometric solids

                                                 Autumn language cards

                                      Knobbed cylinder block

                                  Collaging Gingerbread people

I am linking this post to the Preschool Corner hosted by Homeschool Creations.                                                                                 

1 comment:

  1. Great action shots, as usual. I love the gingerbread collage idea! Great art project :) Enjoy the weekend!


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