Monday, January 30, 2012

If You Give A Montessori Child .......

Bouncy Balls They will want to transfer them, and then if you you let them transfer them .... They will want to count them, and then if you let them count them.....
They will want to sort them, and then if you let them sort them....
They will want to put them all back, and if you let them put them all back....
Then they are going to want to do it again!! This post was inspired by reading a post over at Confessions Of A Montessori Mom Blog. It was titled You Know You Have A Montessori Child When... Heres' the link if you want to go have a good laugh It was a fun read to me. In the end I got to thinking about some characteristics that Montessori children may have and then today during the work period I observed it. Wonderful moments!!

1 comment:

  1. Hehe, so true! Beautifully done, and I love the festive transfer work!


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