Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Following Jessica

Welcome to the first post in our new series! Every weekday I will document a child that I am following. The post will include their interest and highlight the materials they have worked with. Unfortunately I may not be able to document a child as long as I would like to, because life happens. On the bright side I can share with you how each child is so different. How not all the activities I share are worked with by all the children. Most importantly how I may not be experienced in using the Montessori Method but how I try my best to stay true to following the child. Jessica is three and a half years old. I have been working with Jessica since March of 2010. Yesterday Jessica found the new writing tool I placed on the writing shelf. Jessica was delighted to work with the Plume pen. Jessica quickly went to work using a pre-writing tracing paper.
This is her finished work.
When Jessica was finished with the tracing paper she went to work with the Metal Insets. Yesterday marked Jessicas' first lesson on the Metal Insets. Jessica did this activity for the rest of the work period:)

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