Saturday, July 21, 2012

For The Untrained

Yes, it bothers me at times that I am an untrained Montessori Guide. I certainly plan to be certified one day, hopefully soon. In the meantime I still do the best I can to implement the Montessori Philosophy. Looking forward to Fall brings me much excitement, especially since I will have a whole new crop of kids that will also start their first Montessori experiences. It gets me nervous and excited at the same time. I have been planning away using this guide by Gina Newcomb available at New Child Montessori. I think this is just perfect for the untrained still learning how to observe the child.

 I love how everything is laid out for you. It isn't exactly following a particular child but it allows you to introduce and expose. The sequencing of lessons are completely understandable and it makes material making so much fun. It even has a book list suggestions for each week, poems,songs, finger plays, art and theme activities. For a busy person like myself this is a necessary tool. I enjoy following the child and this guide in no way limits that. Using this I will be able to add in other concepts in the classroom that I have been wanting to do, but just didn't have the time. It does ensure that I am giving them the best introduction to the Montessori Method that I can untrained. I have plans to share what materials I have made for each week of this guide. First week is Our Peaceful Classroom.

On another note. I went garage sale hunting today, the first for me this season. I found this lot of legos for a mere five bucks.      
I think the kiddos are going to appreciate these on Monday. I can't wait to see what they are going to build!!



  1. I am not a Montessori educator (I am a trained 'run of the mill' teacher) but I can see that you have real passion what you do. Please keep sharing what you are learning - we all NEVER stop learning!

  2. It is definitely because of inspiring people like you that make me love to blog. I appreciate that you can see my passion for the kids. I wouldn't trade what I do for anything in the world. Thank you so much for taking the time to leave such a motivational comment. You Rock!!


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