Monday, September 3, 2012

Geared Up!! Ready For A New School Year:)

At the beginning of every school year one of the things that I definitely try to tweak is our Calendar time. I really like the simplicity of this one. The ring just moves to the next date and the spool just moves along the to the next day. Very child friendly and inspires independence.

I am most excited about out Weather Board that will grow with the child. We will first use the visual images to identify the weather and place the blue circle accordingly, as they develop we will add the weather words to it as well. The Weather person will be escorted outside by myself or an older child to check the temperature with the yellow handy tool hanging to the right of the board.

Here is how it all looks together on the wall.

I also added a new class pet, because where I come from you just gotta have one.
 I am sure to give an intro to Zoology lesson tomorrow, and I can't wait!!

Happy Schooling!!                                                                          


  1. Looks like your are all set up! The room looks wonderful. Very inviting!

    I really love the idea for moving the spool to correspond with the day. Your weather observation is also very well thought out!

    Have a great school year!
    Take care,


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