Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Visual Discrimination

I added a new work on the shelf that is getting a lot of attention. The children that I have come to know always enjoy matching activities. I had a certain little boy in mind when I set this one up. A little boy who wants to learn how to read, but avoids doing preliminary work at all cost.

 Matching dinosaurs to their skeletons.

 Maddux enjoys every bit of this work.

 This work has him paying close attention to detail.

   Maddux wants to know the name of the dinosaurs now.

I think I managed to reel him on in, he has definitely taking the bait.

Linking up to Montessori Monday and a new Language related linky hosted by me on my other blog We Don't Need No Education.


  1. What a cool work! Where did you find your models?

  2. I believe I brought these from Montessori N'Such. I had them for a couple of years now, so my memory is a little fuzzy.

  3. What a neat idea! My girls have never been interested in Dinosaurs, may be a girl thing? I need to learn about these too. Awesome way to spark interest!

  4. Hello, it is really good. I am a teacher from Slovakia, I am working with kids with mental retardation. I think it is really important to improve visual perception, especially visual discrimination. I have a blog with free worksheets for visual perceptual skills

    I will try something similar with 3D toys.

    Eva Toth


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