Monday, December 27, 2010

From Concrete to Abstract

                          Division with Racks and Tubes (Long Division)

 Before the child works with the Division with Racks and Tubes they must have worked a lot with the golden beads, stamp game and division board. Maria Montessori referred to this material "as an arithmetical pasttime for the child" At this level more importance is given to the quotient, that is, what each unit receives, not so much to the quantity divided.  I don't have any prior experience with this work I am learning this material I am using the album avaliable at  Montessori Teachers Collective. I feel this is a perfect example of how the Montessori Method develops. I am fortunate to work with children of different ages and capabilities that I can get sneek peeks in to how this whole thing develops. Dr. Montessori was so brilliant in how she developed her materials that it just tickles me when I get a light bulb moment. When I received this material and opened the box I have to admit I was intimidated, the work is huge!

          I wasn't able to photograph the thousand board that goes along with this work.

                                                 Here are my girls helping me set up this work.


This work is usually seen in the 6-9 classroom. I hope this helps someone to keep continuing with the montessori method especially when it may appear that there are days that your child may not be learning. Yes, they are learning, they are going from concrete to abstract, keep the faith!

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