Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!! Make A Difference

Every year at this time I reflect on different events that has happened over the past months.  I can say I have a loving God who continues to carry me even when I become weak in my faith. My family has received a lot of worldly possesions, and have grown spiritually as a family unit. It is time for us to pay it forward and spread  love outside our home in a concientious effort. This year we are working on a  New Years' Resolution that will allow us to give back to our community. We have named the year of 2011 "Make A Difference". We will complete at least one community service project a month starting in the year 2011. We are still brainstorming the list of possibilities, I will be sure to post this list just in case it can give you ideas if you were thinking about doing community service projects. As for my personal resolution I am going to take one day at a time, because really we are only promised today.
                              Here are some pictures of my kids enjoying their vacation at home.

                                     Making gummy Santa candy.

                   They completed this Gingerbread house entirely on their own.

                                           Cookie decorating.


                                         This Christmas Morning
                      Already working!! Enjoying some of their Christmas presents.

                             Ken soaking her Rock-Wool Cubes, preparing for her plant seeds.

                                                   Building a Solar Energy House.

        DJ modeling his new suit. DJ says he is wearing this to his first job interview.

Thank you for all of your lovely comments, and for reading this blog. Everyone of your comments have inspired me to think outside the box.                                 

                                                Merry Christmas!!


  1. Merry Christmas to you and your family!


  2. Merry Christmas. Look forward to seeing your list

  3. Oh my goodness! Is DJ quite the handsome young man! All of you children are beautiful but love how proudly he is smiling in that picture!! How true that we are only promised one day and we should always make it count the best way we know how. A Happy and Blessed 2011 to you and yours! Kerri


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