Monday, December 13, 2010

Montessori Monday

 Wow!  Last week was different in a good way. The children have been becoming more independent during their work period. They are repeating works! Now their concentration is growing. They are finding great satisfaction in their work.  I always like giving out new lessons, but I know it is important for them to gain mastery in a skill before going on. I give out a lot of extensions on the same skill for the most part it begins to click for the child after a few. Now I am giving out extension activities because they are getting pure joy out of the work.

                                                           Practical Life

                                                          Learning to walk Max.

                                               Lacing mittens.
                                                        New on the Shelf
Matryoshka dolls. I think this is going to be an exciting work for the children. Perfect open and close activity.


                    Sorting opposites. Hot or Cold clothing.

                                      New on the shelf

This an activity that the child works on positional words. I printed this from the lovely blog 1+1+1=1.

                                    Tracing a square.



Counting the buttons on the snowman and placing the hat with the matching number on the snowman. This work came from the resourceful blog Forskoleburken.

                                  Matching dinosaur skeletons to the matching dinosaur.


                                    Sequencing the Life Cycle of a Pine tree.


                                     Making a Christmas tree.
                                                Popular books on the shelf
To see more montessori lessons that other children have been doing please visit One Hook Wonder.         


  1. These ideas are so fabulous and engaging. The positional word lesson is so creative!

  2. Lots of good ideas!!Thank you for sharing my friend!

  3. You used my snowmen, yey! Hope the kids liked them. Thanks for linking!

  4. Thank you guys for all the nice comments.
    Maria, The children absolutely love this work. Those who are still working on counting, are using this work as an one to one correspondence placing a hat on each snowman. Wonderful piece of work you created!

  5. Nice activities as always! You inspire me very much!
    Just a quick question: do your children do the art and craft during work time and so independently or do you have group time for art and craft?

  6. Thank you so much for the lovely comment Carine. It really depends on what type of art activity it is. The Christmas tree involved glitter so I chose to do this as a small group. All the art projects that I have linked to StArt have been done in a group. The one I posted about yesterday with the bear den was shelved as an individual work.

  7. As always, wonderful activities. We have plenty of Matryoshka dolls. I will need to place them on Ella's shelf. She loves any open/close activity. Kerri

  8. I love "Montessori Monday"s :)) Always wonderful activities! Thank you for sharing :)


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