Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Toddler Tuesday

Last week it was a " Monkey see, Monkey do '" week for the toddlers. Having the advantage of working alongside children older then them is paying off big time for them. They try new works and really are impressive  with their capabilities.

                                             Favorite books of the week

                                                    Parts of the horse puzzle.

                                            Parts of the frog puzzle.
Working with the sand tray sensorially. This work kept him occupied for more than twenty minutes.

                                                   Pouring bells.

                                                        Hammering with nails.

                                     Folowings directions: Go in and out of the bears' den.


                                                                   Quietly reading.

                                                           New on the Shelf

                                                     Matching objects to pictures in a book.
                                                                   Count and Sort.

To see other toddlers enjoying montessori inspired activities pop over to One Hook Wonder.

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