Monday, November 7, 2011

Pumpkin Bread

Today was Baking Day and we had a lot of fun together during this one hour of cooking in the kitchen. The whole preparation in reality to make this bread is about a good fifteen minutes. When you add a loving group of children and some soulful conversation it becomes very hard to leave the kitchen.

One of the oldest in our classroom wanted to demonstrate how to crack an egg.

  The Champion Pourers added in the water and vegetable oil.

        The Beloved Spooner put the pumpkin filling into the mix.

These two are terrific Basketball players during outside recess, enjoyed getting some more wrist exercises while stirring, and whisking.

 The eldest of the classroom who is Ken frosted the bread, and took this picture of the final result during the childrens' rest time.

Every child choose their role in baking the Pumpkin bread . When they voiced what they wanted to do, everyone of them choose a skill that they repeatedly worked on with materials that were on the shelves, all following their interest and needs. While the bread baked we continued our morning work period, it was extra special today with the aroma that filled the air from our bread. The children enjoyed their bread for afternoon snack.  We all agreed that this was the best bread we ever had!!                                                                           

1 comment:

  1. Oh, that looks so good. I think cooking with children does so much for them.


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