Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Some Seasonal Language Works

I came across some new to me blogs that had some cool language activities check it out!

This work allows the children to practice reading with the cvc pattern. I found this on the blog Kindergaten Hoppenings. Along with this activity she has plenty more freebies inspired with the fall theme. While I was visiting I fell in love with her blog.

I purchased the T is from Turkey activity pack that was put together by the author of the blog Kindergarten Crayons. The purchase can be made at the site teachers pay teachers.

                                                   Matching sight/puzzle words

                                            Matching word to picture

Also in the download are recording sheets that the child can use a pencil or how I will set this up will be with letter stamps. I have not made avaliable the recording sheets to any of the children yet. Below is an example of a recording sheet that would go along with the work pictured above.

Keeping with the Montessori philosophy of "Following the child" I made this work avaliable to them on the shelf because I have children who are at this level in their learning.  I mention this because I have put together a lot of work in the past that I saw on another blog, and did not get the same positive result. Not because the work wasn't terrific but because the child(ren) weren't interested or ready for that type of activity. After carefully looking at how to put this work together to meet the needs of the children here I am satisfied with this purchase, and the children are enjoying and learning with these new language activities.                                                           

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