Thursday, January 26, 2012

Making Old Work New

Some works are just favorites among the children no matter the mastery level that they have accomplished while working with the material. To maintain the same focused attention that they first met with the work I just simply change the vessels, and voila it is brand new work again. They all enjoy being able to paint freely. I enjoy changing the type of paint brush they use. They learn new vocabulary and a new skill. The creative outlet is taking to another level, and their art work becomes a beautiful piece of work as well. Eventually we will get to adding two different mediums at a time, maybe more, I bet this will be impressive to them and me as well.
The sponge squeezing work is permanent on my shelves. It has become a wonderful outlet for children to return to just when they think they have been challenged enough in other areas of the classroom during the day. It brings them great satisfaction that this is something that they are skilled to do, and gives them inspiration to give another work a try that has offered more challenge that they may not be ready for at that time.
I found the bowls and the sponge at Target for $3.00 and the assortment of 5 brushes were $1.99 at Micheals.

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