Monday, September 24, 2012

No Matter How Much I Try.....

i can't stop popping back over here!!                                                                    

Monday, September 10, 2012

After Much Thought And Prayer

I decided to just blog over at my other blog,We Don't Need No Education. Since my own children are working on projects, it feels only fitting to blog about mine too. So if you still enjoy reading about my work with the preschoolers pop over and join in the fun.  I have a few preschool/kindergarten  projects that need some special attention that I would love to get some feedback from you guys on. This blog will stay open, but comments will be closed.

Until Next Time.

Montessori Monday: Fall Week 1

Our four day week went well! We revisited some preliminary lessons, and tackled some new ones. Here are a few photos I have to share.

 Carrying a tray while walking on the line.

 sweeping with a broom while using a dustpan

 Golf tees with marbles, point of interest the touch of clay.

                                   Scissor practice.

 Matching the pink tower to cards. She was able to self correct herself!!

                                           Color box#2

                                             Working with the sand globe.

                               Writing numbers.

                  The sandpaper letters with sand tray.                                                          

This week we are off to another great start. I am linking this post to Montessori Monday

Thursday, September 6, 2012

A Fish or A Number?

Since we have a Goldfish as our new class pet I have set up a few fishy works:) This one was an idea from Karen Tylers'  Math Album. I put a bit of a twist on it, but the goal is the same. The child is to sort numbers and fish. It is a lesson to help children to identify what a numeral looks like. It is one of the most valuable concrete lessons that I have ever given. If you ever asked a child what is the name of this shape and they responded by saying the number 2, then be sure to add this activity while lesson planning.

Adding the funnel and the gravel just made it a fun work and they don't have any idea that you are observing them and teaching them an important math concept.                        


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Visual Discrimination

I added a new work on the shelf that is getting a lot of attention. The children that I have come to know always enjoy matching activities. I had a certain little boy in mind when I set this one up. A little boy who wants to learn how to read, but avoids doing preliminary work at all cost.

 Matching dinosaurs to their skeletons.

 Maddux enjoys every bit of this work.

 This work has him paying close attention to detail.

   Maddux wants to know the name of the dinosaurs now.

I think I managed to reel him on in, he has definitely taking the bait.

Linking up to Montessori Monday and a new Language related linky hosted by me on my other blog We Don't Need No Education.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Calendar Work

I had printed off some tracing calendar sheets from and placed them by the calendar. I wasn't quite sure if any child would want to do them, but I knew that the calendar being "new" would draw some interest to the children.            

While working with another child I looked up and saw that Jamesha(5) was doing the work.

When Jamesha was finished she asked me if she could have a calendar like the one on the wall, so she can make the patterns too. 

 History lessons in the making. Stay tuned!!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Geared Up!! Ready For A New School Year:)

At the beginning of every school year one of the things that I definitely try to tweak is our Calendar time. I really like the simplicity of this one. The ring just moves to the next date and the spool just moves along the to the next day. Very child friendly and inspires independence.

I am most excited about out Weather Board that will grow with the child. We will first use the visual images to identify the weather and place the blue circle accordingly, as they develop we will add the weather words to it as well. The Weather person will be escorted outside by myself or an older child to check the temperature with the yellow handy tool hanging to the right of the board.

Here is how it all looks together on the wall.

I also added a new class pet, because where I come from you just gotta have one.
 I am sure to give an intro to Zoology lesson tomorrow, and I can't wait!!

Happy Schooling!!